API Documentation
- POSTAuthentication
- Assets
- Markets
- Geographies
- Portfolio
- Flexibility Pools
- Webhooks
Get market
Details for a specific market
curl --request GET \
--url https://sandbox.axle.energy/entities/market/{market_id}
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"zone": "DE_TENNET",
"properties": {
"asset_neutral": true,
"participant": "<string>",
"measurement_level": "<string>",
"prequalification_level": "<string>",
"bid_frequency": [
"measurement": "<string>",
"payment": [
"direction": "<string>",
"min_bid_mw": 123,
"bid_increment_mw": 123,
"bid_length_hrs": 123,
"max_group_size": "<any>",
"required_asset_standards": {
"EU_MID": false,
"UK_MIR": false,
"UK_weights_and_measures_1985": false,
"UK_smart_charging_regs": false,
"UK_COP_11": false,
"UK_PAS_1878": false,
"UK_PAS_1879": false
"max_delivery_duration_mins": 123,
"initial_activation_time_s": 123,
"half_activation_time_s": 123,
"full_activation_time_s": 123,
"locational": false
"requires_supply_license": false
Path Parameters
An enumeration.
, DE_50HZ
, DK1
, DK2
, SE1
, SE2
, SE3
, SE4
, NO1
, NO2
, NO3
, NO4
, NO5
, UK
, NL
, FR
, IE
, IT
, FI
, BE
, ES
, AT
, BG
, HU
, HR
, CZ
, EE
, GR
, LV
, PT
, PL
Standards for which an asset is approved
Standards for measuring instruments used in trade, such as electricity meters. Approved instruments will have passed specific conformity assessment procedures and have MID markings which allow the instruments to be used in any EU member state.
Transposes MID into UK law. Baseline requirements for asset participation in DSR.
A 1985 act defining regulation of units of weight and measurement, including measurements of electricity
Specifies minimum requirements for EV charge points
Specifies minimum technical requirements for electricity meters being used for settlement by Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) parties. CoP 11 specifically for asset metering in a secondary BMU
Criteria that an electrical appliance needs to meet in order to perform and be classified as an energy smart appliance (ESA)
Common definition of demand side response (DSR) services for actors operating within the consumer energy supply chain
curl --request GET \
--url https://sandbox.axle.energy/entities/market/{market_id}
"id": "<string>",
"name": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"zone": "DE_TENNET",
"properties": {
"asset_neutral": true,
"participant": "<string>",
"measurement_level": "<string>",
"prequalification_level": "<string>",
"bid_frequency": [
"measurement": "<string>",
"payment": [
"direction": "<string>",
"min_bid_mw": 123,
"bid_increment_mw": 123,
"bid_length_hrs": 123,
"max_group_size": "<any>",
"required_asset_standards": {
"EU_MID": false,
"UK_MIR": false,
"UK_weights_and_measures_1985": false,
"UK_smart_charging_regs": false,
"UK_COP_11": false,
"UK_PAS_1878": false,
"UK_PAS_1879": false
"max_delivery_duration_mins": 123,
"initial_activation_time_s": 123,
"half_activation_time_s": 123,
"full_activation_time_s": 123,
"locational": false
"requires_supply_license": false