API Documentation
- POSTAuthentication
- Assets
- Markets
- Geographies
- Portfolio
- Flexibility Pools
- Webhooks
Get asset
Retrieve an existing asset
Path Parameters
An enumeration.
, Charger
, Solar Inverter
, Storage
An enumeration.
, DE_50HZ
, DK1
, DK2
, SE1
, SE2
, SE3
, SE4
, NO1
, NO2
, NO3
, NO4
, NO5
, UK
, NL
, FR
, IE
, IT
, FI
, BE
, ES
, AT
, BG
, HU
, HR
, CZ
, EE
, GR
, LV
, PT
, PL
Properties of an asset that are relevant to participation in markets
Latitude of asset location, if fixed
Longitude of asset location, if fixed
Frequency of power measurement, in Hz
Specified or measured accuracy of power measurement, in %
Frequency of frequency measurement, in Hz
Specified or measured accuracy of frequency measurement, in %
An enumeration.
, asset
An enumeration.
, short_term_parallel
, timed
, flexible
, standby
, other
List of unique identifiers (MPAN) of import meters associated with this asset
Voltage level at point of connection to the network
Minimum time the asset can respond for
Maximum time the asset can respond for
Standards for which this asset is certified
Standards for measuring instruments used in trade, such as electricity meters. Approved instruments will have passed specific conformity assessment procedures and have MID markings which allow the instruments to be used in any EU member state.
Transposes MID into UK law. Baseline requirements for asset participation in DSR.
A 1985 act defining regulation of units of weight and measurement, including measurements of electricity
Specifies minimum requirements for EV charge points
Specifies minimum technical requirements for electricity meters being used for settlement by Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) parties. CoP 11 specifically for asset metering in a secondary BMU
Criteria that an electrical appliance needs to meet in order to perform and be classified as an energy smart appliance (ESA)
Common definition of demand side response (DSR) services for actors operating within the consumer energy supply chain
Whether this asset is an aggregate of other assets
Alias for this asset or aggregate, for instance the name of the site(s) or specific competitions to which it is targeted.
Webhook for controlling the asset; can use webhook event stream instead if preferred
Webhook for setting level. Will be called with a POST request containing keys level
and callback_url
. We will use a Bearer token of your choice to authenticate when calling this endpoint.
Webhook for retrieving current power of asset in kw. Will be called with GET. We will use a Bearer token of your choice to authenticate when calling this endpoint.
Start of the time period (UTC)
End of the time period (UTC)
Minimum available kW (at the end of the time period). This value is equivalent to the power of the asset if all available turn down is performed. This value should be positive when referring to import and negative when referring to export.
Maximum available kW (at the end of the time period). This value is equivalent to the power of the asset if all available turn up is performed. This value should be positive when referring to import and negative when referring to export.
kW (at the end of the time period). This value should be positive when referring to import and negative when referring to export.
Expected kwh of flexibility available until asset becomes unavailable. If, for instance, the asset has a charge limit of 50kwh and a current SOC of 25kwh, then the kwh_available would be 25.
An enumeration.
, DE_50HZ
, DK1
, DK2
, SE1
, SE2
, SE3
, SE4
, NO1
, NO2
, NO3
, NO4
, NO5
, UK
, NL
, FR
, IE
, IT
, FI
, BE
, ES
, AT
, BG
, HU
, HR
, CZ
, EE
, GR
, LV
, PT
, PL
Standards for which an asset is approved
Standards for measuring instruments used in trade, such as electricity meters. Approved instruments will have passed specific conformity assessment procedures and have MID markings which allow the instruments to be used in any EU member state.
Transposes MID into UK law. Baseline requirements for asset participation in DSR.
A 1985 act defining regulation of units of weight and measurement, including measurements of electricity
Specifies minimum requirements for EV charge points
Specifies minimum technical requirements for electricity meters being used for settlement by Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) parties. CoP 11 specifically for asset metering in a secondary BMU
Criteria that an electrical appliance needs to meet in order to perform and be classified as an energy smart appliance (ESA)
Common definition of demand side response (DSR) services for actors operating within the consumer energy supply chain